Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Yeah, it's been a looong time. I have been knitting, just too lazy/busy/have better things to do (sleep) than update the blog.

  • Pregnancy, Week 29: All is well. Minor hiccup: I failed my first glucose test so I had to go in for the 3 hour "we're going to draw blood 4 times and you have to pee in a cup 4 times, and don't eat anything past 10 PM the night before" test. Thankfully I passed. Otherwise the pregnancy is pretty uneventful except for being tired.
  • Had a birthday last month.
  • Went on a camping trip. The first night was about 38 degrees. Found out that sleeping with a hat on is a pretty good idea.
  • Attended a fondue class with friends.
  • Finished a sock for Socktoberfest. Hope to get the second one done this month, too.
  • Found out that my company is going to be laying off a significant number of people. Yay. Was pretty bummed for a couple of weeks, but realized there is nothing I can do except hope that things turn out for me. Not a good time for me to look for a job.
  • Had a class reunion. It was really a good time. Most of my classmates turned out really well. I graduated with around 80 people, and many of us have known each other since kindergarten. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy just thinking about all those people.
  • Framed my very own cross stitch piece. Yay, me!

OK, enough babble. I'll check in again when I can get off my lazy butt and upload some photos.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

I had to do the long test, too, because I was kind of approaching the borderline. It was negative, too, but a real drag hanging around the office peeing, getting stabbed, and dying of hunger.

Good luck with the layoffs. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

10:24 PM  
Blogger Kathy Kathy Kathy said...

I'm glad to know all is well. Except for the layoff scare. Hope it's just a scare.

8:17 AM  

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